Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Rabbits Against Magic

This is a cute comic strip I came across late last year and being I love rabbits and everything that has to do with them, this comic of Eightball and Weenus makes me smile each time I read it. Not all of them are funny like some comics are meant to do all the time as you have to read between the lines so to speak to understand what they are talking about, but it's a good read each day, plus reading them daily helps too as it continues on each day most of the time.

I read all of my comics online at GoComics which is where this one comes from, as does my favorite Calvin and Hobbes, and if you want a cute read of cuddly bunnies with some attitude and sarcasm, this one I recommend. It's written and drawn by Jonathon Lemon who I think does a good job with this strip for being his first comic. Click on link to see Rabbits Against Magic at GoComics. Happy trails!!

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