Saturday, April 17, 2010

Stories Rabbits Tell

Has anyone read this book? It is great! I just finished reading it this past week and have started re-reading it again, as it tells the story of what rabbits really are to us. I highly recommend it to everyone who love rabbits or just want to know more about them and what they stand for in our culture. Most people approach rabbits as if they were stuffed animals: cute, but not capable of much except maybe eating carrots and twitching their noses. That is not the case with this cuddly animal everyone should get to know better. They are bright and intelligent, much more than you think they are. They are very trainable too and most like to be trained, and not for getting a treat for doing something either. There is a loving side to them, which I see on a daily basis. They love to be loved just as we do. I got this book at Borders and they had as few copies of them. You can click here to read more about it and maybe even get a copy of it. Happy trails!


  1. Handed it over to me after you reread it. I'm interested in it. We will see you tonight.

  2. Okay Megan. I will give it to you tomorrow. :)

    Happy trails!
