Sunday, April 4, 2010

Flemish Giant Rabbit

What's the biggest rabbit? You guessed it, the Flemish Giant. I think the Giant name gave it away. lol I have seen maybe ten of them in the time I have spent caring for rabbits. I wasn't sure what it was when I first saw one either, as they are big. Most average around 15 pounds and can get up to 30 pounds or more. There are seven known colors that I know of; black, blueish, fawn, light gray, steel gray, sandy brown and white.

We don't have any for adoption at the moment, but we did have 2 of them here last year. They were both adopted as a pair. I was happy that happened. I was hoping someone would get them both at the same time.

I'm posting this picture to show how big they really are. This picture has not been photoshoped or anything like that. This is there real size. BIG! Oh, and they love LOTS of carrots. :)


  1. My gosh that rabbit is huge! I didn't know they got that big. I dont even think my dog is that big. Thanks for the info. Very interesting.


  2. There are a few other Giant breeds of rabbits too, just this one is the largest of them all. The others are: British Giant, Checkered Giant, Spanish Giant, and the Continental Giant. The largest on record is a little over 45 lbs., that being the Flemish Giant.

  3. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. thats a bigg bunny :) hahaha

  5. How do they grow them that big?

  6. i want that...............

  7. it's bigger than that man!! cool...

  8. Feed a family for a month with that big boy! jk...never would believed you till i seen it! WOW!!!

  9. i want one now!!! you can tell who is skipping the puppy this time!!! >.<

  10. Wow, he/she is adorable ... I wouldn't mind being his mom! :)

  11. I have two Flemish Giants a female and male and just love them... Great pets to have.

  12. I've got several of them. They are big couch potatoes. Love them to death.

  13. My daughter's cousin has tan and white ones to give to free homes.he has them running in his back yard its fenced in.
